
Cara Says It All

Welcome to Cara Says It All! Formerly known as Style Your Mind, this podcast has empowered millions worldwide with over 11 million downloads and features in Forbes and Oprah. I’m Cara Alwill, your host and go-to for unfiltered conversations on life, love, creativity, and everything that shapes us. I’m here to remind you that the power to create your own story starts now—boldly, unapologetically, and without limits. Whether you’re here for inspiration, a laugh, or a perspective shift, buckle up because we’re going deep and keeping it real. Welcome to the conversation!
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Cara Says It All










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Now displaying: 2022
Dec 15, 2022

The title says it all, boo. I'm sharing 10 shifts that helped me elevate my self-concept and stop settling for low vibrational men. This episode will kick your butt in the best way possible whether you are single, married, or somewhere in between. It's time to upgrade the D in 2023! High vibe relationships only. Because we are so f*cking worthy.

Click here to be notified of my next program, She Comes First. You don't want to miss this!

Dec 14, 2022

Click here to join my 3-day course, RICH BITCH Unleashed.

Dec 13, 2022

Click here to sign up for my morning texts :)

Click here to get on my email list + be the first to know when new things are happening!

As we move into the new year, this is the perfect time to take stock of all your relationships. Romantic relationships, friendships, business partnerships - they all impact us on a deep level and ultimately affect our health, happiness, and success.

Who in your life are you making excuses for?

What have you tolerated this year that you will not tolerate in 2023?

What have you been afraid to say out loud?

We're digging into all of this in more in today's episode. Get ready!

Nov 21, 2022

It can be tempting to harbor resentment toward men, feel like every relationship is doomed to fail, or remain stuck in your pain. But all that does is create more pain. If you have found yourself struggling to thrive in a healthy, loving relationship with yourself and your partner, then you don't want to miss today's conversation with Life Coach Karina F. Daves. In this episode she'll tell us why she almost divorced her husband because he was too boring, why supporting our partner's dreams is crucial no matter what they look like, and how to become a power couple (spoiler alert: lots of therapy!) This conversation is a must-listen. Enjoy!

Connect with Karina on Instagram here.

Work with Karina + listen to her podcast here.

Nov 21, 2022

Today on the show I'm talking to Master Mindset + Business Consultant Victoria Jenn Rodriguez about how women entreprneuers can #SecureTheBigBag by shifting the focus to B2B. She shares tangible tips you can implement right now to leave your limiting beliefs behind and stop leaving money on the table. By doing business with corporate and government agencies, Victoria Jenn spills the tea on how to stop chasing low-paying clients and start landing 5-6 figure contracts.

Victoria Jenn wanted to provide as much value as possible for you even beyond this episode. She has generously provided all Style Your Mind listeners (that's you, boo!) with a FREE training giving you 3 steps you can take today to start a business, even if you don’t know what type of business to start, and have only one source of income.
Once you watch the training, you will receive the details on how to book the FREE strategy call with her.
Here is the link to the training:


Nov 18, 2022

Have you ever found yourself obsessing, spiraling, and rushing your relationships? Maybe you've spent way to much time overanalyzing his texts, stalking his social media, or giving a guy way to much mental real estate. In today's episode, I'm going to help you reclaim your inner peace and let go of the obsession so you can step into your best, healthiest, and most confident self.

Oct 17, 2022

One of the #1 questions I get from women is, "How do I get over a guy that isn't right for me?" If you've ever had a hard time detaching from someone that isn't the best fit for you, you're going to love this episode.

Bring a pen and paper because I'm giving you game-changing tips that will help you step into your power and finally get over "Mr. Wrong," or at the very least stop giving away so much of your energy and start bringing the focus back to you.

Oct 15, 2022

No matter how much men say they want an equal partner, a woman who’s smart, successful, and fiercely independent, studies find that those women often make men feel emasculated or inferior (so no, its not in your head, boo!)

There is research by Lora Park, associate professor in the University at Buffalo psychology department, that shows when asked what they wanted in a woman, men wanted “the whole package” – specifically women who were smart and successful. But when given the opportunity to close the distance, and actually meet and/or date these women, the men started to lose interest.

So the good news is, in most cases, it's not you, it's definitely him. But what can we do about it? Today's episode will teach you how to navigate the modern dating landscape, stop blaming yourself for failed relationships, and approach dating in a new and empowered way.

Oct 12, 2022

Enrollment for Coaching Queen is only open for 2 more days. Join us now here:


Less than a week ago, I opened the doors to Coaching Queen and within 3 days I had generated $56,000 in sales with minimal effort (and a lot of fun and freedom), so I thought I would break it down to you and share how I did it, and how you can, too.


Here's the thing about creating a powerful coaching brand in today's day and age - you do not have to be an OG, or have had a brand for over a decade to create a massive impact or generate a massive income.


All you need is a smart phone, a great mentor to show you the way, and passion.


In today's epsiode, I'm breaking it all down for you.

Oct 9, 2022

Listen up, babe: All the manifestation techniques in the world cannot change a man who doesn’t want to change himself.

Everyone has potential. It’s what you do with it that matters.

No matter what this person has accomplished in the past, or dreams of accomplishing, we need to date who they are in the PRESENT moment.

In today's episode, we're going to talk about why settling is no longer the vibe. It's time to stop dating potential and start raising your standards when it comes to dating and relationships.

Oct 9, 2022

There are only a few days left to enroll in COACHING QUEEN! Limited spots are available. Sign up here:

It's easy to think successful 6 and 7 coaches have it all figured out, never experienced any failures, and have something that you don't. That could not be further from the truth.

I've had book signings that nobody showed up to except my husband and my bestie. I've launched programs that nobody bought. I've flopped major speaking gigs and had panic attacks in front of hundreds of people.

But I pushed through all of those uncomfortable moments because I believed in myself. I knew that each “failure” was really just an experience. And they made me more resilient, more focused, and more determined to become a success.

In today's episode, I'm sharing 3 things I wish I knew before becoming a coach. I hope this episode saves you time, stress, and makes you feel less alone in your business.

Oct 8, 2022

Enroll in COACHING QUEEN now! Join us here:

If you follow me on Instagram, or you happened to be walking through Times Square yesterday, you probably saw my face on a billboard.

That’s right – I put myself on a billboard in Times Square. It was actually an advertisement for this podcast. We’re coming up on nearly 10 million downloads, so I figured, why not celebrate?

It’s not lost on me that my face was on a billboard in Times Square, across the street from the cubicle I used to sit in for 8 years. The cubicle I dreamed in and desperately plotted to get out of.

In today's episode, I'm sharing how it all went down.

There is immense power in choosing yourself. In cultivating a vision, working your ass off to see it through, and keeping blinders on all along the way.

Wherever you are today, I hope you realize that your biggest adventures are up to you. Nobody is coming to hand anything to you (or me) on a silver platter.

Take the risk.
Do the thing.
Make the decision.
Blow yourself up.

If you don’t, who will?

Follow me on Instagram:

Visit me online:



Oct 4, 2022

Today I'm sitting down with top business coach Tiffany Carter to bring you a loving but powerful kick in the ass to get you inspired, motivated, and ready to take ACTION in your business.

We discuss:

How to be wildly successful and make a ton of money in your business even if (especially if) you are lazy

Why burnout is not a badge of honor

How to see things differently in your business + detach from your biggest fears

The role resistence plays in your life and your biz + how to shake it

Connect with Tiffany:

Visit her website:

Follow + DM her on IG:

Listen to her podcast ProjectME with Tiffany on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts





Sep 29, 2022

Chances are, if you found your way to this podcast, you are not a basic woman. And you don’t want a basic life. Or a basic income. You don’t want to make a basic impact (or worse - none at all).

In this episode, I’m teaching you The Art of Unconventional Branding so that you can build an unconventional business and bring in unconventional cash.

I'm also breaking down the difference between personal branding + business branding and what to focus on first.

Grab a notebook because this epsiode packs a punch!

Sep 26, 2022

In today's episode, I'm sitting down with Juliette Porter and Jaymi Washburn from JMP The Label about why they decided to create a size inclusive swimwear brand and why it's so important to them to "do it anyway" and show up regardless of your fears. Get ready for some major girl power in this conversation, and grab a notebook because you'll surely want to take notes!

Connect with Juliette: @Julietteporter

Connect with Jaymi: @JayzenDesigns

Follow JMP The Label: @jmpthelabel

Shop JMP:

Aug 29, 2022
In today's episode, I'm chatting with Adelle Kelleher, expert dating coach, about how to date more confidently. She's dishing her 4 C's to dating: Connect, Communicate, Confidence and Comfortability. If you've been dreading first dates, or if you feel like you've lost your way, this episode will help you take your power back! Grab a glass of wine and get ready to dig in.
ABOUT ADELLE: Adelle is an Expert Dating Coach for the modern world. Through years of being a professional matchmaker, creating countless marriages and long term relationships, plus decades of personal dating experiences, she has developed a personalized approach to coaching.  Adelle focuses on identifying patterns, finding quality partners, uncovering your authentic needs, and how to establish a happy and healthy relationship. It's time to find the love you've been missing.
Find Adelle at
Aug 9, 2022

Has your mind ever felt like a runaway train, creating worst-case scenarios and letting fear take center stage? In today's episode, I'm sharing my best practices for stopping a spiral in it's tracks so you can get back to your best life.

Jun 15, 2022

When is the last time you created a real opportunity for yourself? Do you find yourself watching others live their best lives and build their dream businesses, wishing you could do the same for yourself? In today's episode, I'm talking about why it's so important to stop waiting and start putting yourself out there when it comes to your goals. Powerful women choose themselves, but it takes a mindset shift and a new perspective to do it. This conversation will show you how.

May 15, 2022

In today's episode, I'm talking about:

How life doesn't always play out the way we expect it to, but always the way we need it to

What to do when things don't go as planned

How my biggest heartbreak led me to where I am today

Apr 14, 2022

How many times have you found yourself in a spiral of overthinking? Do you often create stories in your head about things, overanalyze conversations or situations, and get stuck in your mind? In today's episode, I'm helping you stop the cycle of overthinking and master your thoughts so you can live better.

Thank you to our sponsor, Whatskin! Download the Whatskin app now to get a free skincare analysis and a customized shop just for you so that you can find the right products to make your skin more radiant, healthy and flawless. Use code CARA20 to get 20% off (no minimum purchase required!)

Apr 9, 2022

If you've ever struggled with understanding why things are happening in your life, why something is taking so long to work out, or why you've had to face certain challenges, this episode is for you!

Thank you to our sponsor, Whatskin! Download the Whatskin app now to get a free skincare analysis and a customized shop just for you so that you can find the right products to make your skin more radiant, healthy and flawless. Use code CARA20 to get 20% off (no minimum purchase required!)

Mar 30, 2022

In a world obsessed with telling women to calm down, hold off, wait for an invitation, lower their voice, let the man lead, be humble, take up less space, and be anything but who they truly are, I’m here to remind you that you’re f*ing perfect. In today's quick pep talk, I'm helping you keep your edge and stop dumbing yourself down - for anyone.

Mar 28, 2022

Have you ever noticed there is a "je ne sais quoi" about certain women who seem to get everything they want? They appear to move effortlessly through the world, exuding an unapologetic energy that seems to attract the best of the best? These women are confident, happy, and free. They are not burdened by worry or stress; they are simply living, and it's beautiful.

In today's episode, I'm going to help you tap into that exact vibe. Get ready to take notes - this is a good one!

Don't forget to check out our sponsor, the Whatskin app! Click here to download it now and get your free skincare analysis and regimen in minutes. Be sure to use code CARA20 to recieve 20% off all products in the shop :)

Mar 9, 2022

Apply for the Girl on Fire Mastermind here.

It's impossible to magnetize the things we want when our vibe is off. When we identify with a version of ourselves that never gets what she wants. When we feel low, drained, and disenchanted. In today's episode, I'm sharing tangible tips and shifts you can use right now to "kill the old you" and start attracting what you want now.


Mar 1, 2022

Have you ever felt paralyzed at the thought of making changes in your life? No matter how badly we want something, it can be challenging to see ourselves as the person who can actually make it happen.

So we wait. We put our success in the hands of "fate" or someone else who can give us our big break. Then, when it doesn't happen, we tell our old tired story of how we're "unlucky", we're not worthy, and that we'll never have the life we want.

In today's episode, I'm sharing my best tips and my own personal process on how to see things differently, and release the thoughts and things that are keeping you stuck. Grab a notebook, you'll want to take notes for this one.


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